My name is Airike. I'm a mom of 2 boys.
Baby Body Fit is both, my sanity & insanity...
I started as a client in BBF in 2012 when Jayden, my oldest, was born. I had no fitness background what so ever. I quickly realized that this is what I want to do with my life. It's a true calling from the heart. Mainly because it gave me the space to feel a part of something in this new motherhood journey. To see that everyone else is going through the same struggle, and
I'm not alone.
Here's the important stuff:
2013 - Image Fitness Training:
EQF Level 3 Fitness Instruction / Credit
EQF Level 4 Personal Training / Distinction
Kettlebells, Strongman, Spin, Trx, Step
2015 - ACE Fitness:
Pre- And Post-Natal Fitness: Physiology, Biomechanics and Programming
2019 - Burrell Education:
Advanced Pregnancy Wellness Practitioner Level 2
Optimal Nutrition & Lifestyle for Postnatal Recovery & Healing
2020 - Burrell Education:
Advanced Post Natal Wellness Practitioner Level 2
Pelvic Flow & Freedom
2023 - Burrell Education:
3rd age woman
Menostrength Optimal health before + after hysterectomy
2023 - ongoing: College of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Nutrition